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Post by CrimsonKing »

first, I apologize for my poor english.

I try to get a line text in TRichviewEdit, there's a small problem.

a line is, Example...

This is a test line...

S := rve.GetItemText(0) -> result S) This is a test line...

And I Change TextStyle to BOLD(or Underline, etc...) at a word in a line, Example...

This is a test line...

S := rve.GetItemText(0) -> result S) This

and 'is a test line...' is Changed ItemNo = 1.

How get I full line text?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: GetItemText?

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Items are not lines. One text item can occupy multiple lines. One line can contain multiple items.
Probably, you mean not lines but paragraphs, i.e. text between "Enters".
There are also paragraph sections, i.e. text between "Enters" or "Shift+Enters".

In this case, to get text of a paragraph (or a paragraph section), you need to get text from all items in it.

If you want text for the current paragraph or paragraph section, you can use the functions from RVGetTextW unit (or, if you need ANSI versions of these functions, RVGetText unit):

Code: Select all

function GetCurrentParaSectionText(rve: TCustomRichViewEdit): TRVAnsiString;
function GetCurrentParaText(rve: TCustomRichViewEdit): TRVAnsiString;
If you need a function returning text for a paragraph (or a paragraph section) containing the item having the specified index, let me know, I'll write it here.
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Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:13 am

Re: GetItemText?

Post by CrimsonKing »

Thanks to your kindly answer.

I try to use GetCurrentPara(Section)Text in RxGetText unit, but there's no ParaText function for using specified ItemNo.
I need to get Para(Section)Text for using specified ItemNo.

function example...
function GetPara(Section)Text(rve: TCustomRichViewEdit; ItemNo: Integer): string;

using example...
S := GetPara(Section)Text(rve, 15);
Sergey Tkachenko
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Posts: 17632
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Re: GetItemText?

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Code: Select all

function GetItemText(rve: TCustomRichView; ItemNo: Integer): String;
  if rve.GetItemStyle(ItemNo) >= 0 then
    Result := rve.GetItemText(ItemNo)
  else if rve.GetItemStyle(ItemNo) = rvsTab then
    Result := #9
    Result := '';

function GetParaText(rve: TCustomRichView; ItemNo: Integer): String;
  i, No1, No2: Integer;
  Result := '';
  rve.RVData.ExpandToPara(ItemNo, ItemNo, No1, No2);
  for i := No1 to No2 do
    if (i > No1) and rve.IsFromNewLine(i) then
      Result := Result + #13#10;
    Result := Result + GetItemText(rve, i);

function GetParaSectionText(rve: TCustomRichView; ItemNo: Integer): String;
  i, No1, No2: Integer;
  Result := '';
  rve.RVData.ExpandToParaSection(ItemNo, ItemNo, No1, No2);
  for i := No1 to No2 do
    Result := Result + GetItemText(rve, i);
Note that these functions return text only for text items and tabulators. They do not include a text representation of non-text item.
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:13 am

Re: GetItemText?

Post by CrimsonKing »

Thx a lot, I solved it! :)
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