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I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:24 am
by + 1
How to delete the margins?
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Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:41 am
by + 1
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C++ Builder RAD Studio 2010

Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:15 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
As I can see, you removed all margins, by assigning RVPrint1.Margins = (0, 0, 0, 0), RVPrint1.FixMarginsMode = rvfmmIgnore,
RichViewEdit1.BottomMargin = 0 (I assume that LeftMargin, RightMargin, TopMargin are 0 as well).

With these properties, document must be printed without margins. So the only idea I have, these properties are somehow modified before printing/previewing.

If you can reproduce the problem in a simple project, please send it to me (or attach to the forum)

Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:27 am
by + 1
RVPrint1->BottomMarginMM = 0;
RVPrint1->TopMarginMM = 0;
RVPrint1->LeftMarginMM = 0;
RVPrint1->RightMarginMM = 0;
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Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:26 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
This is the correct result. Printers have "physical margins": they cannot print too close to sheet edges, and the preview shows it.
If you change RVPrint1->FixMarginsMode back to rvfmmAutoCorrect, RVPrint1 sets margins to minimal values (physical margins) preventing this problem.

Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:42 pm
by + 1
I do not think so. If width of paper in my printer is 25 mm?
And left margins may be 1 mm?
And this trouble is too. How I can to change size of paper?
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This in trial version only?

Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:09 pm
by + 1
И вообще, откуда он знает, какие непечатаемые поля у моего принтера? Мож у меня вообще принтера нет? Или он может загибать текст назад, если он не умещается на лицевой стороне? Это же уже в превью так отображается.

Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:18 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
About TRichView.DocParameters.
DocParameters are used to store page information in files, in RTF, DocX and RVF formats, see additional notes in the help topic.
It is not used for printing.
Only RVPrint properties (like Margins) are important, and also a page size of the current printer (see notes about the global Printer below).
You can assign TRichView.DocParameters to TRVPrint using TRVPrint.AssignDocParameters, but it does not assign page size. I can explain how to set paper size for the current printer, if you need.

In Russian, about printer physical margins:
Печать в TRVPrint всегда привязана к конкретному принтеру, тому, который сейчас выбран в приложении (см. объект, который возвращает глобальная функция Printers, принтер выбирается Printer.PrinterIndex). Если нет никакого принтера, то TRVPrint не будет работать. Потому, перед попыткой печати, нужно всегда проверять, чтобы Printer.Printers.Count >= 0.
И, поверьте, у каждого принтера действительно есть "слепая" область по краям страницы. Посмотрите GetDeviceCaps,PHYSICALOFFSETX и PHYSICALOFFSETY - это размеры этой слепой области слева и сверху; размеры с противоположных сторон можно вычислить на основании других значений.

Попробуйте в Microsoft Word установить нулевые поля. Сначала он обругается "Некоторые поля лежат вне области печати", и предложит их исправить. Нажмите "Пропустить", чтобы не исправлять. А теперь перейдите к печати. И вы увидите, что уже на превью края будут точно так же обрезаны! Ну и при печати, разумеется, тоже.
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Это ограничение hardware, тут программы ничего делать не могут.

Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:18 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
How to change paper size.

TRVPrint uses settings of the current printer. They are returned by the global Printer function.
To change paper orientation (portrait/landscape), assign Printer.Orientation property.

As for changing page format, it's more difficult, we need to use WinAPI functions.

Code: Select all

uses Printers;

procedure SetPaperSize(PaperSize: Integer);
var ADevice, ADriver, APort: array[0..79] of Char;
    ADeviceMode: THandle;
    DevMode: PDeviceMode;
  if ADeviceMode<>0 then
    DevMode := PDeviceMode(GlobalLock(ADeviceMode))
    raise Exception.Create('Error initializing printer');
  DevMode.dmFields := DevMode.dmFields or DM_PAPERSIZE;
  DevMode.dmPaperSize := PaperSize;

function GetPaperSize: Integer;
var ADevice, ADriver, APort: array[0..79] of Char;
    ADeviceMode: THandle;
    DevMode: PDeviceMode;
  if ADeviceMode<>0 then begin
    DevMode := PDeviceMode(GlobalLock(ADeviceMode))
    raise Exception.Create('Error initializing printer');
  Result := DevMode.dmPaperSize;
The function SetPaperSize sets page format, GetPaperSize returns page format. They work for the current printer.
All possible page formats are listed here: ... s.85).aspx
(DMPAPER_* constant)
For example, SetPaperSize(DMPAPER_A4)
It's also possible to define custom page size instead of choosing a standard format. I can explain how to do it, if you need.
Of course, it works only if the printer supports the specified format.

After changing paper size or orientation, call RVPrint1->FormatPages() before printing/previewing.

Re: I can'n to win the margins in preview

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:43 pm
by + 1
Thank You wery match.