RVE Border Color
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:26 am
How can I change the RVE border color?
Is there any property to do so?
How can I change the RVE border color?
Is there any property to do so?
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Code: Select all
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
if( RichViewEdit1->Parent->InheritsFrom(__classid(TForm)))
RichViewEdit1->BorderStyle = bsNone;
((TForm *)RichViewEdit1->Parent)->Canvas->Pen->Color = clBlack;
((TForm *)RichViewEdit1->Parent)->Canvas->Rectangle(TRect(RichViewEdit1->Left - 1,
RichViewEdit1->Top - 1, RichViewEdit1->Left + RichViewEdit1->Width + 1,
RichViewEdit1->Top + RichViewEdit1->Height + 1));