We're using SaveToPDFFile from a RichView control:
Given this RTF Source Code (just one line with a tab character and the whole line is underlined; the second line has no underlinings)
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang3079\ul\fs20 t\tab test\ulnone\par
and issuing SaveToPDF, de resulting PDF file contains the underlined text as it should, but the underlined tab character is printed way off (it seems the paper margins are not calculated properly)
I am looking forward to any pointers into the right direction.
SaveToPDFFile with Tabs and underlines
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1. Make sure that you have the newest version of TRichView
2. Open RV_Defs.inc and remove the dot from the line
Recompile your application.
If the steps below did not help, the problem is most probably in the PDF generation tool. Which one do you use (I forget what SaveToPDFFile is)?
2. Open RV_Defs.inc and remove the dot from the line
Recompile your application.
If the steps below did not help, the problem is most probably in the PDF generation tool. Which one do you use (I forget what SaveToPDFFile is)?
just read your replyafter finding a potential fix for that issue. The problem is, that in PtRVData.pas for painting nontext items, the page offset is not respected.
After DrawItemBorder, I introduced and changed the following lines
The question is, if and where this code might be harmful...
I have to leave the office now, but I will check your suggestions tomorrow.
Thanks Sergey!
just read your replyafter finding a potential fix for that issue. The problem is, that in PtRVData.pas for painting nontext items, the page offset is not respected.
After DrawItemBorder, I introduced and changed the following lines
Code: Select all
GetRVStyle.GraphicInterface.GetWindowOrgEx(Canvas, WinOrg);
item.Print(Canvas, dli.ObjectLeft+LeftOffs-WinOrg.X, FItemTop-WinOrg.Y,0, Preview, Correction, sad, nil, dli, part, GetColorMode, Self);
I have to leave the office now, but I will check your suggestions tomorrow.
Thanks Sergey!
No, the advice didn't help.
I used the current trial version to compile this piece of code:
tot1.rtf is the RTF file posted yesterday.
The current version still draws the underlines wrong.
With our version (13.13.5 according to readme.txt), changing the compiler symbol doesn't have any effect).
Could you look into this, if my yesterday's suggestion breaks other things? (There should be a +1 with both WinOrg-coordinates)
p.s.: If there are tables in an RTF, the borders are also way off. There's a workaround here, if you're interested - I'd have to create a diff, first.
I used the current trial version to compile this piece of code:
Code: Select all
uses RichView, RVEdit, RVStyle, trvpdf;
with TRichViewEdit.Create(self) do
Style := TRVStyle.Create(self);
Top := 0;
Left := 0;
Width := 400;
Height := 200;
Parent := self;
RTFReadProperties.TextStyleMode := rvrsAddIfNeeded;
With TRichViewPDF.Create(nil) do
AutoLaunch := false;
CreateOutLines := true;
SaveToPDFFile('C:\temp\tot1.rtf', 'C:\temp\tot1.pdf',50,50,50,50,'','');
The current version still draws the underlines wrong.
With our version (13.13.5 according to readme.txt), changing the compiler symbol doesn't have any effect).
Could you look into this, if my yesterday's suggestion breaks other things? (There should be a +1 with both WinOrg-coordinates)
p.s.: If there are tables in an RTF, the borders are also way off. There's a workaround here, if you're interested - I'd have to create a diff, first.
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- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am
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