I detect an error in rvf file after i past 2 images. I send to you the rvf file that detec the error from actiontest in actiontesttab that reported error below:
load the file, click on the right arrow key to go to the end of the first image, hit enter to make the cursor go to the first line and press del to generate the exception
List index out of bounds (2)
unit SclRView
the target is on line 8556
If bStripBottom and (PageStartDrawItemNo[PageNo - 1] <> -1) then begin
index := PageStartDrawItemNo[PageNo - 1];
bFind := False;
-> with FRichViewEdit.RVData.DrawItems[index] do
If (ObjectTop + ObjectHeight > HlRVRect.Bottom - HlRVRect.Top) then begin
bStripBottom := False;
the targe is on line 14409 (in other test)
procedure TSRichViewEdit.GetPageStartItemNo(PageNo: Integer; var ItemNo, Offs : Integer);
ItemNo := -1;
Offs := -1;
if (PageNo > 0) and (PageNo <= FPageCount) then begin
-> ItemNo := FRichViewEdit.RVData.DrawItems[PageStartDrawItemNo[PageNo - 1]].ItemNo;
If PageStartTableItem[PageNo - 1] <> -1 then
Offs := PageStartTableRow[PageNo - 1]
Offs := FRichViewEdit.RVData.DrawItems[PageStartDrawItemNo[PageNo - 1]].Offs;
I tried to perform the same test, but in another application actiontest (from the path actiontest, it does not report error, perhaps because the "tab" is not involved.
probably bug - list index of bounds - delphi 7 - windows 7
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