I want to get all infos at the position of caret (which is in a memo or in a “memo-table”).
This was created under Vista, Delphi 7.1 and TDBRichViewEdit v13.9
Who can complete or finish or correct the following code ?
procedure TForm1.sbTesten1Click(Sender: TObject);
var fi: TFontInfo;
schrSchnitt,schrFarbe, hgFarbe, itemStil, paraStil: string;
r,c: integer;
IgnoreChanges := True; // ???
fi := rvs.TextStyles[Memo.CurTextStyleNo];
IgnoreChanges := False; // ???
if fsBold in fi.Style then schrSchnitt:= 'fett, ';
if fsItalic in fi.Style then schrSchnitt:= schrSchnitt+'kursiv, ';
if fsUnderline in fi.Style then schrSchnitt:= schrSchnitt+'unterstrichen, ';
if fsStrikeOut in fi.Style then schrSchnitt:= schrSchnitt+'durchgestrichen';
if fi.Style= [] then schrSchnitt:= 'normal';
schrSchnitt:=str_DelE(schrSchnitt, #32); //löscht am Stringende: #32
schrSchnitt:=str_DelE(schrSchnitt, ','); //löscht am Stringende: ','
case fi.color of
0: schrFarbe:= 'schwarz';
255: schrFarbe:= 'rot';
16711680: schrFarbe:= 'blau';
536870911: schrFarbe:= 'weiß';
3252790: schrFarbe:= 'grün';
65280: schrFarbe:= 'hellgrün';
16711935: schrFarbe:= 'fuchsia';
65535: schrFarbe:= 'gelb';
13146423: schrFarbe:= 'türkis';
else schrFarbe:= intToStr(fi.color);
case fi.backcolor of
0: hgFarbe:= 'schwarz';
255: hgFarbe:= 'rot';
16711680: hgFarbe:= 'blau';
536870911: hgFarbe:= 'weiß';
3252790: hgFarbe:= 'grün';
65280: hgFarbe:= 'hellgrün';
16711935: hgFarbe:= 'fuchsia';
65535: hgFarbe:= 'gelb';
13146423: hgFarbe:= 'türkis';
else hgFarbe:= intToStr(fi.backcolor);
//---- GetItemStyle --------------------------------------------------------
//(* //muss dieses Splittung in Tabelle + Nicht-Tabelle sein ?
if memo.GetItemStyle(memo.CurItemNo)= -60 then begin
if memo.GetCurrentItemEx(TRVTableItemInfo, rve, TCustomRVItemInfo(rveTable)) then rveTable.GetEditedCell(r,c);
case rveTable.Cells[r,c].GetRVData.GetItemStyle(0) of
0: ItemStil:= 'normal text';
1: ItemStil:= 'Heading 1';
2: ItemStil:= 'Heading 2';
3: ItemStil:= 'Keywords';
4: ItemStil:= 'Hypertext 1';
5: ItemStil:= 'Hypertext 2';
6: ItemStil:= '6';
10: ItemStil:= 'normal';
11: ItemStil:= 'hochgestellt';
12: ItemStil:= '12';
13: ItemStil:= 'tiefgestellt';
-1: ItemStil:= 'break (horizontal line)';
-3: ItemStil:= 'picture';
-4: ItemStil:= 'hotspot (picture from ImageList - hyperlink)';
-5: ItemStil:= 'inserted Delphi control';
-6: ItemStil:= 'bullet (picture from ImageList)';
-10: ItemStil:= 'hot picture (picture - hyperlink)';
-11: ItemStil:= 'list marker (bullet or numbering of paragraphs)';
-12: ItemStil:= 'tabulator';
-60: ItemStil:= 'table';
-200: ItemStil:= 'label (non-text item looking like text)';
-202: ItemStil:= 'numbered sequence';
-203: ItemStil:= 'footnote';
-204: ItemStil:= 'endnote';
-205: ItemStil:= 'reference to the parent footnote or endnote';
else ItemStil:= intToStr(rveTable.Cells[r,c].GetRVData.GetItemStyle(0));
end else begin
case memo.GetItemStyle(memo.CurItemNo) of
0: ItemStil:= 'normal text';
1: ItemStil:= 'Heading 1';
2: ItemStil:= 'Heading 2';
3: ItemStil:= 'Keywords';
4: ItemStil:= 'Hypertext 1';
5: ItemStil:= 'Hypertext 2';
6: ItemStil:= '6';
10: ItemStil:= 'normal';
11: ItemStil:= 'hochgestellt';
12: ItemStil:= '12';
13: ItemStil:= 'tiefgestellt';
-1: ItemStil:= 'break (horizontal line)';
-3: ItemStil:= 'picture';
-4: ItemStil:= 'hotspot (picture from ImageList - hyperlink)';
-5: ItemStil:= 'inserted Delphi control';
-6: ItemStil:= 'bullet (picture from ImageList)';
-10: ItemStil:= 'hot picture (picture - hyperlink)';
-11: ItemStil:= 'list marker (bullet or numbering of paragraphs)';
-12: ItemStil:= 'tabulator';
-60: ItemStil:= 'table';
-200: ItemStil:= 'label (non-text item looking like text)';
-202: ItemStil:= 'numbered sequence';
-203: ItemStil:= 'footnote';
-204: ItemStil:= 'endnote';
-205: ItemStil:= 'reference to the parent footnote or endnote';
else ItemStil:= intToStr(memo.GetItemStyle(memo.CurItemNo));
//---- GetItemPara --------------------------------------------------------
//(* muss dieses Splittung in Tabelle + Nicht-Tabelle sein ?
if memo.GetItemStyle(memo.CurItemNo)= -60 then begin //Tabelle
if memo.GetCurrentItemEx(TRVTableItemInfo, rve, TCustomRVItemInfo(rveTable)) then rveTable.GetEditedCell(r,c);
case rveTable.Cells[r,c].GetRVData.GetItemPara(0) of
0: ParaStil:= 'normal text';
else ParaStil:= intToStr(rveTable.Cells[r,c].GetRVData.GetItemPara(0));
end else begin //<> Tabelle
case memo.GetItemPara(memo.CurItemNo) of
0: ParaStil:= 'Normaler Text';
else ParaStil:= intToStr(memo.GetItemPara(memo.CurItemNo));
//-------------- Hier sollen fehlende Informationen rein --------------------
ShowMessage('Schriftart: '+fi.fontname+#10+
'Schriftgrad: '+intToStr(fi.size)+#10+
'Schriftschnitt: '+schrSchnitt+#10+
'Schriftfarbe: '+schrFarbe+#10+
'Hintergrundfarbe: '+hgFarbe+#10+
'ItemStyle: '+ItemStil+#10+
'ParaStyle: '+paraStil+#10#10);
to get all infos at the position of caret
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Something like this.
Code: Select all
procedure AddStr(var s1: String; const s2: String);
if s1='' then
s1 := s2
s1 := s1+', '+s2;
procedure AddStrSpace(var s1: String; const s2: String);
if s1='' then
s1 := s2
s1 := s1+' '+s2;
function DescribeColor(Color: TColor): String;
Result := ColorToString(Color);
if (Result[1]='c') then
Result := LowerCase(Copy(Result, 3, Length(Result)));
function DescribeTextStyle(fi: TFontInfo): String;
Result := Format('"%s", %d, color=%s', [fi.FontName, fi.Size, DescribeColor(fi.Color)]);
if fi.BackColor<>clNone then
AddStr(Result, 'background='+DescribeColor(fi.BackColor));
if fsBold in fi.Style then
AddStr(Result, 'bold');
if fsItalic in fi.Style then
AddStr(Result, 'italic');
if fsUnderline in fi.Style then
AddStr(Result, 'underline');
if fsStrikeOut in fi.Style then
AddStr(Result, 'strike out');
if rvfsOverline in fi.StyleEx then
AddStr(Result, 'overline');
if rvfsAllCaps in fi.StyleEx then
AddStr(Result, 'all caps');
function DescribeParaStyle(pi: TParaInfo): String;
Result := '';
if pi.OutlineLevel>0 then
AddStr(Result, Format('heading %d', [pi.OutlineLevel]));
case pi.Alignment of
rvaLeft: AddStr(Result, 'left');
rvaRight: AddStr(Result, 'right');
rvaCenter: AddStr(Result, 'center');
rvaJustify: AddStr(Result, 'justify');
if (pi.SpaceBefore<>0) or (pi.SpaceAfter<>0) then
AddStr(Result, 'space:');
if pi.SpaceBefore<>0 then
AddStrSpace(Result, Format('before=%d', [pi.SpaceBefore]));
if pi.SpaceAfter<>0 then
AddStrSpace(Result, Format('after=%d', [pi.SpaceAfter]));
if (pi.LeftIndent<>0) or (pi.RightIndent<>0) or (pi.FirstIndent<>0) then
AddStr(Result, 'indent:');
if pi.LeftIndent<>0 then
AddStrSpace(Result, Format('left=%d', [pi.LeftIndent]));
if pi.RightIndent<>0 then
AddStrSpace(Result, Format('right=%d', [pi.RightIndent]));
if pi.FirstIndent<>0 then
AddStrSpace(Result, Format('first line=%d', [pi.FirstIndent]));
case pi.LineSpacingType of
if pi.LineSpacing<>100 then
AddStr(Result, Format('line spacing=%d%%', [pi.LineSpacing]));
AddStr(Result, Format('spacing between lines=%d', [pi.LineSpacing]));
AddStr(Result, Format('line height at least %d', [pi.LineSpacing]));
AddStr(Result, Format('line height exactly %d', [pi.LineSpacing]));
if pi.Background.Color<>clNone then
AddStr(Result, 'background='+DescribeColor(pi.Background.Color))
function DescribeCurrentItem(rve: TCustomRichViewEdit): String;
var TextStyleNo: Integer;
InCell: Boolean;
Result := '';
InCell := rve.InplaceEditor<>nil;
rve := rve.TopLevelEditor;
case rve.CurItemStyle of
rvsBreak: AddStr(Result, 'break (horizontal line)');
rvsPicture, rvsHotPicture: AddStr(Result, 'picture');
rvsBullet, rvsHotspot: AddStr(Result, 'picture from image list');
rvsComponent: AddStr(Result, 'control');
rvsListMarker: AddStr(Result, 'list marker');
rvsTab: AddStr(Result, 'tabulator');
rvsTable: AddStr(Result, 'table');
rvsLabel: AddStr(Result, 'label');
rvsSequence: AddStr(Result, 'numbered sequence');
rvsFootnote: AddStr(Result, 'footnote');
rvsEndnote: AddStr(Result, 'endnote');
rvsNoteReference: AddStr(Result, 'note reference');
if rve.CurItemStyle>=0 then
AddStr(Result, 'text '#13#10'font {'+DescribeTextStyle(rve.Style.TextStyles[rve.CurItemStyle])+'}')
AddStr(Result, 'other object');
if (rve.CurItemStyle<0) then begin
TextStyleNo := TRVNonTextItemInfo(rve.GetCurrentItem).AssociatedTextStyleNo;
if TextStyleNo>=0 then
AddStr(Result, #13#10'font {'+DescribeTextStyle(rve.Style.TextStyles[TextStyleNo])+'}')
if rve.GetCurrentItem.GetBoolValueEx(rvbpJump, rve.Style) then
AddStr(Result, #13#10'hyperlink');
if InCell then
AddStr(Result, #13#10'paragraph inside table cell')
AddStr(Result, #13#10'paragraph');
AddStrSpace(Result, '{'+DescribeParaStyle(rve.Style.ParaStyles[rve.CurParaStyleNo])+'}')
procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1Click(Sender: TObject);
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Note 1: Of course, the code above does not display all the properties. It displays the most of properties of a text style (except for hyperlink properties), of a paragraph style (except for borders and background color padding).
However, it does not display properties specific to the item type. For example, for pictures it shows 'picture', without specifying its type, size, alternative text, spacing around, etc.
Note 2: As you asked, this code displays properties at the position of the caret ("current item"). But this is not properties of the clicked item! For example, list marker never becomes a clicked item. Or if you click to the left side of an item, the caret is moved before it, and the previous item becomes current.
However, it does not display properties specific to the item type. For example, for pictures it shows 'picture', without specifying its type, size, alternative text, spacing around, etc.
Note 2: As you asked, this code displays properties at the position of the caret ("current item"). But this is not properties of the clicked item! For example, list marker never becomes a clicked item. Or if you click to the left side of an item, the caret is moved before it, and the previous item becomes current.
[quote="Sergey Tkachenko"]Something like this.
Thank you.
But when I use your solution, I must deactivate the red lines below (Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'rvsLabel'
[Hinweis] unit1_mh.pas(1230): Das private-Symbol 'HySuchen_Memo)
Why ?
Best regards
function DescribeCurrentItem(rve: TCustomRichViewEdit): String;
var TextStyleNo: Integer;
InCell: Boolean;
Result := '';
rvsLabel: AddStr(Result, 'label');
rvsSequence: AddStr(Result, 'numbered sequence');
rvsFootnote: AddStr(Result, 'footnote');
rvsEndnote: AddStr(Result, 'endnote');
rvsNoteReference: AddStr(Result, 'note reference');
Thank you.
But when I use your solution, I must deactivate the red lines below (Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'rvsLabel'
[Hinweis] unit1_mh.pas(1230): Das private-Symbol 'HySuchen_Memo)
Why ?
Best regards
function DescribeCurrentItem(rve: TCustomRichViewEdit): String;
var TextStyleNo: Integer;
InCell: Boolean;
Result := '';
rvsLabel: AddStr(Result, 'label');
rvsSequence: AddStr(Result, 'numbered sequence');
rvsFootnote: AddStr(Result, 'footnote');
rvsEndnote: AddStr(Result, 'endnote');
rvsNoteReference: AddStr(Result, 'note reference');
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