Can not create html correctly

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Can not create html correctly

Post by ekoindri »

I have a problem to create html file.
I have downloaded the demo about how to save html format.
I also download the demo about how to insert table into TRichViewEdit.
When I create a table from template and save it to html, this process can
still work properly.
The problem raised when I try to copy table from excel to TRichViewEdit
and save it to html. It seems that can not work correctly. I can see the
data in the html file, but I can not see the border. As I said above, if I
create the table from the template and provide it with some information in
the cell and export it to html, I can see the data and the border, but not
for table which paste from excel.

Does any direction or help to achieve it?
Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.

Thank in advance.


Eko Indriyawan
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Some kinds of table borders can be saved only if you use CSS in HTML.
So, if you save this document using SaveHTML, some borders may not be saved.
1) Use SaveHTMLEx instead, or
2) Include rvsoForceNonTextCSS in the Options parameter of SaveHTML.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 10:00 pm
Location: Indonesia

Post by ekoindri »

Thank you very much for your hint.
Let me try it first, I hope this issue can be solve.

King regards,

Eko Indriyawan
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