OK. This is a continuation of the conversation from http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtop ... 3924#13924 "Label Overlaps Text" but centering on SRVControl usage.
I am trying to implement SRVLabel, SRVEdit, and SRVCheckBox for data retrieval and input. Currently I am working on data retrieval and display.
Item 1: create a subclass of SRVLabel with additional properties to store database table and field properties. Each DBSRVEdit is also stored with a "primary record type" which identifies a parent record. Related data in the database can be identified from the primary record. This is relatively easy.
Item 2: create a completely text based object (no database interaction) that will display a few dilimited segments and when a user clicks on a segment, the control object is replaced with the text segment; such as "Thank you for contacting our support department."
For Item 2 I have been trying to use SRVLabel. So far this has been difficult but successful. However, the Label will not go beyond the end of a line. I am assuming this is a limitation of the TCaption object.
I have tried tracing the object definitions back and am still working on it. My knowledge of Delphi/Win32 programing is good, but not great and some of this is beyond my current knowledge. I've only been working with Delphi since April. My history is C, C++, Java. Man, I wish I was smarter!!!
The Problem:
I'm looking for a way to display long text strings that will wrap lines (a.k.a. continue beyond the end of the line to the next) with an object that will respond to a click with x/y coordinates so I can identify a specific text segment dimilited by a set of characters such as "||" (two vertical bars).
And; I have 36 hours to get this accomplished!!!!
SRVLabel Implementation
I tried using AutoSize and it didn't work. The objects won't resize. Here is my code:
TDocumentClickText is just a subclass of TSRVLabel with additional properties for TableName, FieldName, PrimaryRecord, etc...
Much of the event code is copied from examples. Only the mouse settings are working.
If I add:
Resize works.
I also need to make inserted controls resizable and moveable when the "template" is reloaded. I don't see a way to get an ItemNumber from a control so I can use "SetItemExtraIntPropertyEd". I do cycle through each component to set event handlers when I load the DBSRVE. Is there a simple way to either get the ItemNumber or select the control so it is the CurrentItem?
I tried using AutoSize and it didn't work. The objects won't resize. Here is my code:
Code: Select all
procedure TtemplateForm.InsertClickTextFieldClick(Sender: TObject);
fieldPopup: TdocumentFieldInsPop;
ClickTextField: TDocumentClickText;
if ValidPrimaryRecord then
fieldPopup := TDocumentFieldInsPop.CreatePopUp(Self,ftClickText);
if fieldPopup.Execute then
ClickTextField := TDocumentClickText.Create(SRichViewEdit1,fieldPopup.ClickTextMemo.Text);
ClickTextField.AutoSize := true;
ClickTextField.OnClick := ControlOnClick;
ClickTextField.OnMouseMove := ControlOnMouseMove;
ClickTextField.OnMouseDown := ControlOnMouseDown;
ClickTextField.OnMouseEnter := ControlOnMouseOver;
ClickTextField.OnMouseLeave := ControlOnMouseOut;
ClickTextField.ForegroundColor := clWhite;
ClickTextField.BackgroundColor := clBlack;
procedure TtemplateForm.ControlOnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TtemplateForm.ControlOnStartDrag(Sender: TObject;
var DragObject: TDragObject);
Screen.Cursor := crDrag;
procedure TtemplateForm.ControlOnMouseOver(Sender: TObject);
Screen.Cursor := crHandPoint;
procedure TtemplateForm.ControlOnMouseOut(Sender: TObject);
Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
procedure TtemplateForm.ControlOnMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if Button = mbLeft then begin
ClickedControl := Sender;
ClickPoint := Point(X, Y);
procedure TtemplateForm.ControlOnMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if (ssLeft in Shift) and (ClickedControl=Sender) and
(Sqr(ClickPoint.X-X)+Sqr(ClickPoint.Y-Y)>10) then
Much of the event code is copied from examples. Only the mouse settings are working.
If I add:
Code: Select all
I also need to make inserted controls resizable and moveable when the "template" is reloaded. I don't see a way to get an ItemNumber from a control so I can use "SetItemExtraIntPropertyEd". I do cycle through each component to set event handlers when I load the DBSRVE. Is there a simple way to either get the ItemNumber or select the control so it is the CurrentItem?
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Unfortunately, implementing text drawing so that text will be scaled proportionally (to support WYSIWYG) is not a trivial task. You can see the problem in our labels - they are because they use simple WinAPI text drawing functions. We will fix these problems in the next update.
Consider using normal TRichView text instead, with tags and protection options. For rectangular text area, you can use a table.
Consider using normal TRichView text instead, with tags and protection options. For rectangular text area, you can use a table.
See also: Demos\Controls\SRVControls\
After call ProcessControls, SRV for all Control (in the document) calls OnCheckControl.
Event see:
SRV.OnCheckControl (Sender: TSRichViewEdit; AControl: TControl);
For reception of event from Control it is possible to use:
SRV.OnMessageControl (Sender: TSRichViewEdit; AControl: TControl; var Message: TMessage);
Current Control in a caret position: SRV.CurControl : TControl
Code: Select all
procedure TForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm.SRVCheckControl(Sender: TSRichViewEdit; AControl: TControl);
If AControl is TSRVLabel then
TSRVLabel(AControl).OnClick := FormOnClick;
Event see:
SRV.OnCheckControl (Sender: TSRichViewEdit; AControl: TControl);
For reception of event from Control it is possible to use:
SRV.OnMessageControl (Sender: TSRichViewEdit; AControl: TControl; var Message: TMessage);
Current Control in a caret position: SRV.CurControl : TControl