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Different Views of too large images in Scalerichview and Richviewedit

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 9:01 am
by tomr
Hello Richview Support,
I have a problem displaying too large images in Scalerichviewedit. I have one Richviewedit and one ScaleRichviewedit.
Both of them have the following settings:
MinTextWidth := 16cm
MaxTextWidth := 16cm;
Options := Options - [rvoClientTextWidth];
In the RichviewEdit the image is visualized above the Min/MaxTextWidth.
ZuGroßesBildRE.png (6.4 KiB) Viewed 6019 times
In the ScaleRichviewEdit the image is not visualized above the Min/MaxTextWidth.
ZuGroßesBildSRE.png (6.52 KiB) Viewed 6019 times
Is there a possibility to display the image in the same way as in the Richviewedit?

Best Regards

Re: Different Views of too large images in Scalerichview and Richviewedit

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 12:44 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
In ScaleRichView, a size of pages is defined, and it does not depend on content.
Do you want to draw large object even outside the page?
There is no option for this. You can modify the source code: in SclRView.pas, comment the first call of

Code: Select all

SelectClipRgn(ACanvas.Handle, hRegion);

Re: Different Views of too large images in Scalerichview and Richviewedit

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 1:07 pm
by tomr
Hello Sergey,
no, I don't want to draw the large image outside the page. I would like to draw the picture outside the right margin.
I adjusted the right margin property from the richviewedit wrong.
I recreated this scenario in your demo and it worked fine.
DemoBeispiel.png (14.74 KiB) Viewed 5991 times
Seems like I have to correct my margin and page settings.

Nevertheless thank you for your help.
Best regards