[BUG?] windows 2000: formatted text flows into one another
[BUG?] windows 2000: formatted text flows into one another
i'm having the problem that formatted text (bold, italic, underlined, colored, ...) flows into one another if i want to display it in my editor. additionally text will be cut at the end of the line. this problem appears only under windows 2000.
when i type in any character, the display is getting fixed.
i've made two screenshots:
the faulty view:
after typing in any character, the right view:
i hope you can help me
i'm having the problem that formatted text (bold, italic, underlined, colored, ...) flows into one another if i want to display it in my editor. additionally text will be cut at the end of the line. this problem appears only under windows 2000.
when i type in any character, the display is getting fixed.
i've made two screenshots:
the faulty view:
after typing in any character, the right view:
i hope you can help me
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no, the text is loaded from a database (xml format).Sergey Tkachenko wrote:How the text was created initially? Loaded from file?
i've tested the display of the text shown in the oher screenshots with windows xp and saw that the author of this text used a tabulator. maybe thats the problem with windows 2000?!
see here...
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Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Do you use RichViewXML to store XML data?
Please send me this XML doc.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style inactiveselcolor="clHighlight" inactiveseltextcolor="clHighlightText">
<font color="clBlack" fontname="Arial Unicode MS" name="sdefault" unicode="1" />
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<font color="clBlack" fontname="Arial Unicode MS" standard="0" bold="1" italic="1" underline="1" name="sdefault15" unicode="1" />
<font color="clBlack" fontname="Arial Unicode MS" standard="0" bold="1" italic="1" underline="1" strikeout="1" name="sdefault16" unicode="1" />
<font color="clBlack" fontname="Arial Unicode MS" standard="0" bold="1" italic="1" strikeout="1" name="sdefault17" unicode="1" />
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<font color="clBlue" fontname="Lucida Sans Unicode" jump="1" standard="0" name="own4793abf66bc5" unicode="1" />
<para spaceafter="5" name="pdefault" />
<para spaceafter="10" spacebefore="10" standard="0" name="pheading1" />
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<list name="bullets">
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<marker type="decimal" formatstr="%s." fontname="Arial Unicode MS" fontsize="10" />
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<utext>Sie können sich unsere AGB als PDF- Dokument ansehen.</utext>
<utext>Dazu benötigen Sie Acrobat Reader von </utext>
<utext textstyleno="21" tag="<tag link:id="4793abf62431"><link:url>http://www.adobe.de</link:url><link:target /><link:title>Adobe-Website</link:title><link:name /><link:visible>true</link:visible></tag>" br="0">Adobe</utext>
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Better send to svt@trichview.com
(to make sure that my copy is identical)
(to make sure that my copy is identical)
done...Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Better send to svt@trichview.com
(to make sure that my copy is identical)
now i've found the bug also under windows xp. i think it's definitely a problem with tabulators.
here are my screenshots:
wysiwg view:
xml view:
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The file you send to me has no tabulators, it has only spaces.
On XP it looks normal. I will be able to access a computer with Win2000 only next Monday.
Can you check if the font "Arial Unicode MS" is installed on systems where this problem occurs?
I have a guess that this font is substituted by Windows, and substituted with different fonts at the moment of the initial formatting and drawing.
On XP it looks normal. I will be able to access a computer with Win2000 only next Monday.
Can you check if the font "Arial Unicode MS" is installed on systems where this problem occurs?
I have a guess that this font is substituted by Windows, and substituted with different fonts at the moment of the initial formatting and drawing.
yeah, that is what i meant. in the xml code there are no tabulators. when i press tab then there is one in the xml code displayed as <tab styleno=".." />Sergey Tkachenko wrote:The file you send to me has no tabulators, it has only spaces.
now i've disabled the usage of tabulators. if i open the text and save it without making a change it will be saved correctly without the visual tabulator. so i can ensure that this "bug" won't appear in the future...
but now it's interesting why it's displayed as i described in my first post...
i'll check next week if the font "Arial Unicode MS" is installed on systems where this problem occurs...
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