Hi! In a richedit if I would color a single word I use this code.
SelAttributes.Color := clRed;
SelText := 'Hi World!';
SelAttributes := DefAttributes;
Is it possible to do the same in a Richview without using RVStyles?
How can I change text attributes (font, backcolor, color, styles...) runtime?
My application needs to use text attributes choose by users, several times for every single line.
word 1000 2000 word word word
I've should have to align colums, maybe without use of fixed font..
Change text attributes without using RVStyles?
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Styles are the only way to implement this.
How do you plan to define these attributes in your application?
If using TRichViewEdit, see the demo Demos\Delphi\Editors\Editor 2\ (or use RichViewActions).
If using some commands in text string, see this demo http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=63
How do you plan to define these attributes in your application?
If using TRichViewEdit, see the demo Demos\Delphi\Editors\Editor 2\ (or use RichViewActions).
If using some commands in text string, see this demo http://www.trichview.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=63
Hi Sergey! Thanks for reply.Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Styles are the only way to implement this.
How do you plan to define these attributes in your application?
Actually I use a richedit loading a simple file text and formatting it with colors and styles.
The richedit don't need to be editable, but users can define styles and colors in the general options.
Now I use the procedure below to format text and I was wondering is there is a way like that to do the same.
Richedit, as you know , is heavily limited and i'm trying your trichview to see if I can implement some features, like tables (to align colums without using fixed font) or preview.
Thanks for the help!
procedure AddText(RichEdit: TRichEdit; sText:string; FontColor, BackColor: TColor; FS:TFontStyles);
FillChar(Format, SizeOf(Format), 0);
with Format do
cbSize := SizeOf(Format);
crBackColor := BackColor;
Richedit.Perform(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, Longint(@Format));
RichEdit.SelAttributes.Color := FontColor;
RichEdit.SelAttributes.Style := FS;
RichEdit.SelText := sText;
RichEdit.SelAttributes.Color := clWindowText;
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Code: Select all
procedure InsertText(rve: TCustomRichViewEdit; const sText:string;
FontColor, BackColor: TColor; FS:TFontStyles);
var TextStyle: TFontInfo;
StyleNo: Integer;
// creating text style with the desired attributes
TextStyle := TFontInfo.Create(nil);
TextStyle.Color := FontColor;
TextStyle.BackColor := BackColor;
TextStyle.Style := FS;
// if such style already exists in rve.Style.TextStyles, using the existing one
StyleNo := rve.Style.TextStyles.FindSuchStyle(
rve.CurTextStyleNo, TextStyle, RVAllFontInfoProperties);
if StyleNo<0 then begin
// if does not exist, adding it
StyleNo := rve.Style.TextStyles.Count-1;
rve.Style.TextStyles[StyleNo].Standard := False;
// inserting text
rve.CurTextStyleNo := StyleNo;