connecting to a vivotek Camera without FFmpeg

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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connecting to a vivotek Camera without FFmpeg

Post by scotty69169 »


I'm trying to do a real time connection to a Vivotek Camera, to operate a machine. I had tried it 2 years ago with an FFmpeg server and it connects. but the delay is a little long.

I did notice in your demo application, that you can connect to one directly. What settings are required in the camera and in my application?


Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: connecting to a vivotek Camera without FFmpeg

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Do you know video stream URL?
In this case, assign it to RVCamera.URL.
RVCamera.DeviceType = rvdtRTSP
RVCamera.VideoFormat = rvvfH264 (I assume this is a H.264 camera?)
Then call PlayVideoStream.

RVMedia can play RTSP video streams either using FFmpeg or using GStreamer.
GStreamer can be downloaded from
To use GStreamer, assign TRVCamera.FFmpegProperty.UseFFmpeg = False (because, if both FFmpeg and GStreamer are available, RVMedia uses FFmpeg).

Please note that GStreamer can be used only if you specify the video stream URL.
When IP camera is specified using CameraHost:CameraPort properties and found using SearchCamera, only FFmpeg can be used.

To reduce lag that may be caused by RVMedia, assign TRVCamera.Latency = 0.
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