Is it possible to have a viewable text alongside the bookmark? I see the dot what about a small text in the green or would this mess with the size of the document?
Bookmark idea
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Re: Bookmark idea
Currently, checkpoints do not affect to the document formatting, they are simply drawn on top of the document.
It's possible to modify drawing using TRVStyle.OnDrawCheckpoint event (see TRichView demo in Assorted\CursomDraw\CustomDraw\)
Theoretically, it's possible to draw a checkpoint name above the text for the text at the position of the caret. But I still think it would be better to show its name in a tooltip.
Use OnItemHint event:
This code shows checkpoint names and hyperlink targets in tooltips.
Include rvoShowItemHints in RichViewEdit.Options, and make sure that RichViewEdit.ShowHint = True.
It's possible to modify drawing using TRVStyle.OnDrawCheckpoint event (see TRichView demo in Assorted\CursomDraw\CustomDraw\)
Theoretically, it's possible to draw a checkpoint name above the text for the text at the position of the caret. But I still think it would be better to show its name in a tooltip.
Use OnItemHint event:
Code: Select all
procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1ItemHint(Sender: TCustomRichView;
RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer; var HintText: TRVUnicodeString);
CPData: TCheckpointData;
CPTag: TRVTag;
CPName, S: TRVUnicodeString;
RE: Boolean;
CPData := RVData.GetItemCheckpoint(ItemNo);
if CPData <> nil then
RVData.GetCheckpointInfo(CPData, CPTag, CPName, RE);
S := 'Bookmark: ' + CPName;
if HintText = '' then
HintText := S
HintText := HintText + #13#10 + S;
if RVData.GetItem(ItemNo).GetBoolValueEx(rvbpJump, Sender.Style) then
S := 'Link: ' + RVData.GetItemTag(ItemNo);
if HintText = '' then
HintText := S
HintText := HintText + #13#10 + S;
Include rvoShowItemHints in RichViewEdit.Options, and make sure that RichViewEdit.ShowHint = True.