copy content from 1-cell-table to another 1-cell-table

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copy content from 1-cell-table to another 1-cell-table

Post by j&b »

How can I mark the content of a 1-cell table (with all attributes) and place it in the clipboard (can be done with Ctrl + c)?

Subsequently, the content of the clipboard should be inserted again in another 1-cell table (can be done with Ctrl + v).

My experiments always show that in the 'other 1-cell' table not the content of the copied cell was inserted, but the 1-cell table with border lines.

[img]e:\copy 1-cell to another 1-cell-table.jpg[/img]

procedure TForm1.FokTabMarkClick (Sender: TObject);
  if Memo.GetItemStyle (memo.CurItemNo) = rvsTable then begin
    GetRveTabNo; // storedRveTabNo is the focused table
    rveTable.SelectCols (0.1);

    if MessageDlg ('Should the marked be deleted?',
      mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin
         SetRveTabNo; // so that marking is canceled
  end else ShowMessage ('No table was focused.');
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: copy content from 1-cell-table to another 1-cell-table

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

If you select a cell as a whole (or multiple cells), it will be copied to the clipboard as a table, and inserted as a table.
Unfortunately, the way of table pasting where content of pasted cells replaces content of selected cells is not implemented yet.

But you can select not a cell as a whole, but its content:

Code: Select all

rveTable.EditCell(0, 0);
rveTable.Cells[0, 0].GetRVData.SelectAll;
PS: GetItemStyle returns a table when the caret is before or after it. It does not return a table if the caret is inside its cells. I suggest using GetCurrentItemEx.
Posts: 184
Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:35 pm

Re: copy content from 1-cell-table to another 1-cell-table

Post by j&b »

Thank you.

This runs now without border lines

procedure TForm1.FokusierteZelleMarkierenClick(Sender: TObject);
var RVData: TCustomRVData; //uses CRVData, CRVFData,
yNc: Integer;
if Memo.GetItemStyle(memo.CurItemNo)=rvsTable then begin
RVData := rveTable.Cells[0,0];
RVData := RVData.Edit;

yNc:= MessageDlg('Soll das Markierte erst kopiert und dann gelöscht werden ?'+#10+
'Einfügen lässt es sich überall über Strg+v.'+#10#10+
'Ja: Erst kopieren, dann löschen'+#10+
'Nein: Nur kopieren'+#10+
'Abbrechen: Nichts machen und Zwischenablage leeren'+#10#10,
if yNc= 2 then clipboard.clear
else if yNc= 6 then memo.deleteSelection;

rveTable.EditCell(0,0); //Markierung aufheben
end else ShowMessage('Es wurde keine Tabelle fokusiert.');
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