This item's type is TRVMathItemInfo.
Expressions are defined in a LaTeX-like language.

The current version includes the item itself, but does not include a dialog for editing equations. It will be included in the next update.
The item uses units of Adit Math Engine. Currently, they are distributed exclusively with TRichView.
They are covered by the open source license MPL 2.0 with the following addition restrictions:
You can contact Adit Software if you want to use Adit Math Engine under a different license or to request an exception from the restrictions above.Adit Math Engine cannot be used in any E-learning/Assessment/Testing/Math software (Freeware or Shareware) or outside TRichView engine without our [Adit Software] written permission.
The main reason of these restrictions is not allowing using in software that can compete with their own product.
Currently, Adit Math Engine can be used in RAD Studio XE4 and newer. Contact them if you want to use it in older versions of Delphi/C++Builder.