SRichViewEdit Header
SRichViewEdit Header
How I can to restrict editing header of TSRishViewEdit?
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Special header and footer for the first page are added if SRV.PageProperty.TitlePage := True
An alternative solution for making header/footer readonly.
Process OnChangeActiveEditor event:
This code disallows placing the caret in a header and a footer.
An alternative solution for making header/footer readonly.
Process OnChangeActiveEditor event:
Code: Select all
procedure TForm1.SRichViewEdit1ChangeActiveEditor(Sender: TSRichViewEdit; ActiveEditor: TRichViewEdit);
if (ActiveEditor=Sender.RVHeader) or (ActiveEditor=Sender.RVFooter) or
((ActiveEditor=Sender.RVNote) and (Sender.CurrentNoteParentEditor<>Sender.RichViewEdit)) then