Previewing html

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Previewing html

Post by shaune »


I am evaluating a demo version of trichedit. I have an import function that allows the user to import a .mht file, which then extracts the .mht into html with sub dirs for images.

When I programmatically open the html file in trichedit (after the import is complete) the images do not load. However, If I then manually use the Open dialog using richviewactions, the html file loads fine and the images are displayed correctly.

I am using the same code for both operations (both import and open):

----------------------------BEGIN CODE SNIPPET-----------------------------
function TfrmMain.LoadHTMLFile(aHTMLFileName : string; aRichViewEdit : TCustomRichViewEdit) : boolean;
Stream : TFileStream;
s : String;
Stream := TFileStream.Create(aHTMLFileName, fmOpenRead);
SetLength(s, Stream.Size);
Stream.ReadBuffer(PChar(s)^, Length(s));
RvHtmlImporter1.RichView := aRichViewEdit;

fLastOpenedFile := aHTMLFileName;
result := True;
result := False;
------------------------END CODE SNIPPET----------------------------------

Can you help me figure out why the file is not rendering after an import, but does render correctly after an open?

Thank you in advance,

Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

If paths to images (in <img>) are relative to the path where this HTML file is located, they cannot be loaded unless you specify a base path:

Code: Select all

RvHtmlImporter1.BasePath := ExtractFilePath(aHTMLFileName);
  RvHtmlImporter1.BasePath := '';
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Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:47 am

html importer

Post by shaune »


Thank you, that works. The HTML now displays with the correct images. However, I still have the following problems:

1. The background is set in the .html, but when I open the html using the htmlimporter, the background is not set.
2. After opening an html file, I first need to resize my main form before the .html renders in the richview control.
3. The mht files that I need to inport almost always uses an embedded stylesheet (CSS). Is there any way that I can get the html to render correctly using the htmlimporter?

Thank you in advance.
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17632
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

1. How the background is specified?
2. Call aRichViewEdit.Format after loading
3. No, CSS is not supported. More info:
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Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:47 am

Previewing html

Post by shaune »


I think I need to clear some things up.

I am trying to use Trichedit as an html editor. The user can create a new document and edit it, then save it as .html (using HTMLSaveEx - which creates .html with in-line CSS).

Problem 1: Document Background:

1. User creates a new document and sets the background image as stretched.
2. After editing the document, save as .html (uses SaveHTMLex).
3. Re-open the html in tRichedit. The background is no longer stretched, now is "centered" by default. If I inspect the .html document, the style is set as follows:

========BEGIN HTML IN-LINE STYLE===========
body {
margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
background-color: #ffffff;
background-image: url("1.gif");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: center center;
}===========END HTML IN-LINE STYLE=========

So, the background position is saved incorrectly with SaveHTMLEx.

Problem 2: Opening saved .html

RichView.Format seems to work. :D

Thank you,
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
Posts: 17632
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

1) Stretched images are exported as centered because HTML does not support stretched background images.
2) Reading CSS saved by SaveHTMLEx is a newest feature of RvHtmlImporter (and it was not implemented by me). May be it is still not perfect, and background is not read. I'll try verify it this weekend.
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