Hi Sergey
We've got an RTF file with some fonts. There is a mistake in the font table.
This is what the file contains:
{\fonttbl{\f46\fswiss\fcharset204 Calibri;}{\froman \fcharset204 Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red192\green192\blue192;\red118\green237\blue129;\red0\green0\blue0;}
\pard\fi0\li0\qc\ri0\sb0\sa0\itap0 \plain \f2 \b\lang1049\fs24 \'c4\'ee\'e2\'b3\'e4\'ea\'e0
\par \pard\fi0\li0\qc\ri0\sb0\sa0\itap0 \plain \f2 \lang1049\fs24 \'ef\'f0\'ee \'e4\'ee\'f1\'f2\'e0\'e2\'ea\'f3 SMS
\par \pard\sl-450\slmult0\fi570\li0\ql\ri0\sb0\sa0\itap0 \plain \f2 \lang1049\fs24 \tab \plain \f3 \i\lang1049\fs20 \'e4\'ee\'e2\'b3\'e4\'ea\'e0 \'f1\'f4\'ee\'f0\'ec\'ee\'e2\'e0\'ed\'e0 \'e2 \'e5\'eb\'e5\'ea\'f2\'f0\'ee\'ed\'ed\'ee\'ec\'f3 \'e2\'e8\'e3\'eb\'ff\'e4\'b3.
\par \pard\fi0\li0\ql\ri0\sb0\sa0\itap0 \plain \f2 \lang1049\fs28 \par}
As you can see the second font in the font table doesn't have a property \f
{\f46\fswiss\fcharset204 Calibri;}
{\froman \fcharset204 Times New Roman;}
Is it possible to add to the font table both fonts? Now your editor adds just one font with the name 'CalibriTimes New Roman'. MS Word uses the second font for all document.
Yes, we can change templates. But users can save their own templates with the same errors. So would you please to help us?
RTF - Error reading font table
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