Hi Dear
I want insert my content of Richview to dbase such as SQLite.
and I want detect my footnotes in document on dbase with "[F]"
for example:
in richview:
"If you do not want to add a poll to your topic1, leave the fields blank."
in dbase:
"If you do not want to add a poll to your topic[F], leave the fields blank."
also, I want insert document on dbase to Richview with replacement '[F]'
and it's footnote that saved in dbase.
thanks a lot.
insert text!
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Sorry, I do not completely understand the question.
Do you want to save documents as they are, with all available formatting, but save text "[F]" instead of footnotes?
What saving format do you use, RTF or RVF?
Is it really necessary to replace footnotes and then inserting them back? What if the user will type "[F]" in the document itself?
You can, for example, save a document with empty footnotes, then fill them from DB when necessary.
Do you want to save documents as they are, with all available formatting, but save text "[F]" instead of footnotes?
What saving format do you use, RTF or RVF?
Is it really necessary to replace footnotes and then inserting them back? What if the user will type "[F]" in the document itself?
You can, for example, save a document with empty footnotes, then fill them from DB when necessary.
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for example:
Code: Select all
var ItemNo: integer;
ctext: TStringList;
for ItemNo := 0 to R_Q.ItemCount - 1 do begin
if R_Q.GetItem(ItemNo) is TCustomRVNoteItemInfo then
R_Q.SetSelectionBounds(ItemNo, R_Q.GetOffsBeforeItem(ItemNo),
ItemNo, R_Q.GetOffsBeforeItem(ItemNo));
ctext:= TStringList.Create;
ctext.Text:= Trim(R_Q.GetSelTextW);
insert ctext items into dbase
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You can use OnSaveItemToFile event to save footnotes as '[F]' in text:
Code: Select all
uses RVUni;
procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1SaveItemToFile(Sender: TCustomRichView;
const Path: string; RVData: TCustomRVData; ItemNo: Integer;
SaveFormat: TRVSaveFormat; Unicode: Boolean; var OutStr: TRVRawByteString;
var DoDefault: Boolean);
if (SaveFormat=rvsfText) and (RVData.GetItemStyle(ItemNo)=rvsFootnote) then begin
OutStr := '[F]';
if Unicode then
OutStr := RVU_AnsiToUnicode(CP_ACP, OutStr);
DoDefault := False;