I have integrated the rvhunspell component into the ribbontabs demo. The suggestions are shown using the RVAPopupActionBar.
Everything is working fine except when I right click a misspelled word and select one from the list. The word is replaced with the short cut letter in brackets. I also tested with another right to left language and it happens in that too. It doesn't have any problems with English.
I have attached a picture showing this.
Your assistance to correct this problem would be very much appreciated.[/img]
I tried that before and again just now. It doesn't seem to work.
I have set the AutoHotKeys property to maManual in the RVAPopupActionBar1 component and that did not work. So I set
RVAPopupActionBar1.AutoHotkeys:= maManual in the Form's OnCreate event and that did not work either. I also tried the onPopup Event.
The (A) style character appears only in non English languages and that problem is in those languages only. For English, the suggestion list appears in the normal way with the hotkey letter underlined.
The (A) style hotkey in the spell suggestion for foreign languages is a useful feature. But there seems to be a bug when the clicked word replaces the word in the document.
I would like to keep the (A) style hotkey for the foreign languages and just need a fix for the hotkey character appearing in the document.