We use DrawPage to render the ScaleRichView to a canvas. But we do not want to have a background to the ScaleRichView.
We have tracked down the code to here. If you comment out the lines and add what we added, you can get a transparent background. Of course, you can add a special property to the page properties use that to make the background transparent as well, we just wanted to make minimal changes.
We can modify the code of course, but prefer to make whatever modification locally that will makes it into the release branch.
function TSRichViewEdit.DrawPageBG(Canvas: TCanvas;
PageRect, PaintRect: TRect;
ScaleX, ScaleY: Single;
OffsetX, OffsetY, PageNo: Integer; Printing, UseWordPainters: Boolean): Boolean;
PgW, PgH, PictWidth, PictHeight, SPictWidth, SPictHeight : Integer;
indexX, indexY, OffX, OffY: Integer;
BGImage: TBitmap;
OldRect : TRect;
hRegion: HRGN;
procedure FillBG;
If FBackgroundProperty.FGlobalPageBackgroundColor = clNone then
// Removed this min->white
// Canvas.Brush.Color := min(SRVGetSysColor(FRichViewEdit.Color), $0FFFFFF)
Canvas.Brush.Color := SRVGetSysColor(FRichViewEdit.Color)
Canvas.Brush.Color := SRVGetSysColor(FBackgroundProperty.FGlobalPageBackgroundColor);
// Added this if
if Canvas.Brush.Color <> clNone then
transparent background
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