Reports with TRichView Fields

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Reports with TRichView Fields

Post by jamiemi »

I am in the early stages of trying to figure out how to deal with reports. I have a database-backed application which is going to have many reports. I am using Delphi 5, ADO, both Access (OLE fields) and SQL Server (Image fields) and recently purchased TRichView to use for many of the fields.

Does anyone have a suggestion for a report package that will work with the binary fields that are generated by the TRichView being streamed into the database table? Are there any special things that need to be done to make sure that a report generator works correctly with data streamed from TRVs?

In addition, any suggestions for formatting reports with TRichView fields? I would expect some people to leave the text in the TRV pretty much alone; others I would expect would do a lot of formatting with many tables, images, fancy formatting, etc. Some of the reports could easily have 30 fields, 8 of which might be TRichViews.

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

About loading TRichView data in reporting tools.

None of other tool can work with data fields saved in RVF format.
Of course, you can save RichView data in RTF format instead, but if other
tool will attempt to load RTF saved by TRichView, the most probably it will lose advanced formatting like tables.

About using TRichView objects in other reports

Currently, the following reporting tools are supported: ReportBuilder and QuickReport:

See also mail merge demos:
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Sanity check on answer

Post by jamiemi »

Just to make sure I understand your answer...

No other tool can work with a field saved by TRichView in RVF format.

However, Report Builder and Quick Report can work with fields that are saved in RVF format?

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

If you install TRichView wrapper for ReportBuilder, new types of RB visual objects will be available: ppRichView and ppDBRichView. They can be added to RB reports in addition or as a replacement of its own richtext objects.
When RB saves a report, ppRichView objects are also save themselves as parts of this report (RVF format is used, but it does not matter actually)
ppDBRichView can display documents from database table which were saved in RVF, RTF, HTML (using RVHtmlImporter) and plain text format.

For details of QR TRichView wrapper please contact its developer.
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:33 pm


Post by jamiemi »

Thank you for your effort.
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