How do you disable auto page break within a cell table?

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How do you disable auto page break within a cell table?

Post by GWIS »

I am creating a table and inserting text from a database. The cells sometimes have more than 1 line. The Richview page is then exported to RTF for distribution and is read by users using word.

I have managed to do it by inserting the appropriate rtf commands for each row into the rtf file just before writing it (after formatting in Richview), but this is not a good way to do it.

I've looked through support, but have not found how to switch this feature of Richview off. How do you properly disable pagebreak within a table row?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Currently, TRichView tables have 2 options:
1) do not split table across pages at all (treat it a a single rectangle, like a picture)
2) allowing page breaks in any place of table.
The first option cannot be saved in RTF.
There is no option to allow page breaks between rows, but not in cells (probably, it will be added in future). When saving to RTF, you can use OnSaveRTFExtra to include \trkeep in definition of table row.
In TRichView, you can achieve a similar effect by including rvpaoKeepLinesTogether in Options of paragraph style for cells contents (if cell content is a single paragraph). But MS Word does not respect this option for content of table cells.
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