
General TRichView support forum. Please post your questions here
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Post by Nicklas »

I'm having trouble using the TRichViewEdit.InsertPageBreak procedure...
- It doesn't add anything to the page so that all lines come out on the same page :cry:

... I can use ".PageBreaksBeforeItems[PreviewEdit.ItemCount-1] := True", but that does not always work since tables for instance make the pagebreak come before the table and not after...
- I believe I should use the .InsertPageBreak procedure, but I can't make it do anything...
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

InsertPageBreaks does the following:
1) If the caret is not at the beginning of a paragraph, adds a line break (in the next update, line break will also be added when the caret is at the beginning of a document).
2) Sets PageBreaksBeforeItems = True for the item at the position of the caret, in undoable way.

Please give me a step-by-step instructions how to reproduce the problem with InsertPageBreak. In my tests, it works as expected. Where I need to place the caret so that InsertPageBreak will do nothing?
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