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by richrich
Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:16 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Big ammount of data to display, pagination
Replies: 1
Views: 11440

Big ammount of data to display, pagination


Does TrichviewEdit support pagination?
Let's say I have 15 MB of text data to load into TrichViewEdit which is very slow to load and later to operate,
I mean virtual load to memory but display only part of data and rest load on scroll or buttons next previous.
by richrich
Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:22 pm
Forum: Examples, Demos
Topic: [Demo] Storing TRichView using Synopse mORMot framework (SQLite3)
Replies: 2
Views: 73377

Re: [Demo] Storing TRichView using Synopse mORMot framework (SQLite3)

Thank you.
As data is going to be bigger smaller file size is preferred
so I'm not sure if that's good option to store in one db two versions of the same data

What about using DB version or T(DB)RichEditView ?
What is the differenct for same purpose to use DB and normal RichEditView?
by richrich
Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:08 am
Forum: Support
Topic: Store text data into sqlite instead of stream.
Replies: 5
Views: 21677

Re: Store text data into sqlite instead of stream.

There is no special support for SQLite, but I believe it must not be a problem.
But native format of TRichView documents (RVF) is a binary format, it must be stored as BLOB field. So, if you want to enable searching text in DB, I suggest to save two copy of each document: RVF in BLOB field and ...
by richrich
Sun Jul 01, 2018 5:58 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Store text data into sqlite instead of stream.
Replies: 5
Views: 21677

Re: Store text data into sqlite instead of stream.

As for your question about component: SynSQLite3 freeware from mORMot
Example RVF document content:

1) Red First line
2) Green Second line
3) etc. etc.

I want to quickly find specified data from db to filter/search and the same have text formatted view using your tdbrichviewedit.
So single ...
by richrich
Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:57 pm
Forum: Support
Topic: Store text data into sqlite instead of stream.
Replies: 5
Views: 21677

Store text data into sqlite instead of stream.


I'm considering purchase of your component, does it support sqlite?
I mean simply instead of storing into stream and one file store into SqLite with different tables to easy search and filter data later.

If that is possible - have you got demo ?