Thank you very much for the advice, I will play with different recording parameters
I am waiting for updates on this problem, please let me know if you partially or completely solve this problem
I hope I have provided you with information for reflection.
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Re: CPU usage
Thanks for the explanation
I have done the following tests (I run 8 video threads):
RVCamera := TRVCamera.Create(nil);
RVCamera.URL := ListCams.Lines[Count];
Result: CPU usage increased ~15-20%. That is, it works well
procedure TForm1.CreateCam(Count: integer ...
I have done the following tests (I run 8 video threads):
RVCamera := TRVCamera.Create(nil);
RVCamera.URL := ListCams.Lines[Count];
Result: CPU usage increased ~15-20%. That is, it works well
procedure TForm1.CreateCam(Count: integer ...
Re: CPU usage
Did you try to run it without displaying or sending video?
Could you please explain what this means, I don't understand what you're talking about.
If you are talking about creating the TRVCamView component and assigning it the VideoSource RVCamera, then if I don't do this, then empty ...
Re: CPU usage
That's right, changing the Owner parameter didn't help
Video source: "dahua IPC-HFW 2230 S 2" video camera via local network via rtsp stream by link "rtsp://admin:Qq123456@"
In the folder with the generated "exe" there are "ffmpeg 64bit" libraries
Video source: "dahua IPC-HFW 2230 S 2" video camera via local network via rtsp stream by link "rtsp://admin:Qq123456@"
In the folder with the generated "exe" there are "ffmpeg 64bit" libraries
Re: CPU usage
You gave me an idea that seemed to help, I'm going to test it now
vCam := TRVCamView.Create(nil);
Instead of "Form1" "nil"
Thank you very much
vCam := TRVCamView.Create(nil);
Instead of "Form1" "nil"
Thank you very much
Re: CPU usage
Tried two ways:
1 way
RVCamera := TRVCamera.Create(Form1);
RVCamera.URL := ListCams.Lines[Count];
RVCamera.OnStartVideoStream := RVCameraStartVideoStream;
RVCamera.Name := 'Cam' + IntToStr(Count);
RVCamera.Tag := Count;
RVCamSender.VideoSource := RVCamera;
2 way ...
1 way
RVCamera := TRVCamera.Create(Form1);
RVCamera.URL := ListCams.Lines[Count];
RVCamera.OnStartVideoStream := RVCameraStartVideoStream;
RVCamera.Name := 'Cam' + IntToStr(Count);
RVCamera.Tag := Count;
RVCamSender.VideoSource := RVCamera;
2 way ...
CPU usage
When using the component, the following situation arose: when starting the rtsp video stream, the computer processor load increases to 100%, and, as a result, the video stream slows down, and recording, respectively, also slows down, even when starting one camera. The picture shows the task ...
When using the component, the following situation arose: when starting the rtsp video stream, the computer processor load increases to 100%, and, as a result, the video stream slows down, and recording, respectively, also slows down, even when starting one camera. The picture shows the task ...